Profitnessguide $1000 Yearly Fitness Scholarship 2018

We at mainly concerned with encouraging our readers to reach their fitness goals, sharing tips, tricks, and fitness guide. Along with the job, we also review various fitness gears and gadgets manually and help our visitors to find out the best one in the market for their workouts.

Since the past few years, we are getting bunches of emails from our readers every day where one thing is very common. Yes, they are asking to get to know the most efficient ways of utilizing their fitness gears. One more thing that appears frequently- how to stick to one’s fitness goals! However, these are not the whole thing we hear from our readers.

We care for our readers, and our sole aim is to provide VALUE other than presenting anonymous racks of information that's already on the web. To meet this goal, we are truly motivated this time to introduce our readers YOUR “Real-Life Experience” with any of the following gears and accessories. 

We are glad to announce the $1000 Yearly Fitness Scholarship for the fitness enthusiasts! You too can be an important part of our scholarship program that we offer on a yearly basis. Yes, if you are interested and looking forward to grabbing the opportunity sharing your story with our valued readers, you are always heartily welcomed to get in touch.

Now, if you believe you have the capability to motivate our readers with your words, don’t waste a single moment overthinking! Just contact us with the required details for the scholarship program. 

Terms and Conditions of the Scholarship Program:

First of all, you need to agree to our terms and conditions for the fitness scholarship program as a valid applicant. When you are applying for the program, you will need to submit a content, either a graphical content (length must be 3:50 to 5:00 minutes in HD resolution) or a well-researched, unique, and plagiarism free article (you writing must contain around 800-1000 words in Microsoft Word .docx format) on any of the topics below. Topics for the graphical content are also the same with a little modification if you think it is required.

Topics of the Content:

  • Advantage and Disadvantage of Inversion Therapy for Back Pain Relief
  • Which One Do You Prefer: Hitting the Gym or Exercising at Home? Give Your Account
  • How Do You Balance Between Your Workloads and Fitness Goal?
  • Have You Ever Tried Yoga? Name 10 Benefits You Attained Practicing Yoga
  • Top 10 Benefits of Having an Indoor Exercise Bike at Home

Guideline for Graphical Contents:

For graphical content, you need to appear on the screen, be it a slideshow or a video clip. The footage you submit must be recorded in HD (720p X 1024p) format.

FAQ Related to Graphical Contents:

Can I submit my workout videos as an applicant for the scholarship program?

Can I submit my instructional video I created for my gym students?

Can I apply for the program multiple times if I can create multiple videos following the terms and conditions of the program?

Who Are Eligible for the Fitness Scholarship Program?

If you are a high school, college, or university graduate/undergraduate, you are eligible to be a part of the scholarship program. The piece of article you will write for us, or the videography, must be informative, engaging and provide value to our readers.
The applicant must be a permanent citizen of USA, Canada, or the UK.

Application Procedure:

To be honest, we are glad to be of help to the fitness enthusiasts as well as the students for assisting in their higher education with the little effort we can afford, and exercising their creative faculties. Also, we have plans to extend the program in future if we get enough response from the participants.

When you are ready with any of the contents mentioned above in our Terms & Condition section for the program, feel free to mail us at with the following details.

  • First & Last Name
  • Contact Email Address
  • Name of the Educational Institution

Note: Do not forget to attach a valid document that contains the proof to be a student of that institute.


By applying to the fitness scholarship program, you hand over the copyright of your content. It means that the authority of the fitness scholarship program will hold the copyright of the content you submitted to be considered as a valid candidate for the program. And, they can publish, use, re-use, or reproduce the content with or without any notice.

By submitting the piece of your writing, you are allowing us to use the content for advertising and marketing purposes. You will hold the copyright of the content, however; you do not have any obligation even if we use the piece for affiliate promotions.

Deadline for Submission:

For 2017 Fitness Scholarship Program, you need to submit the content by the date mentioned below. We offer the scholarship program every year. Don’t be upset if you miss the deadline for this year. Keep visiting for our next scholarship announcement.

Application Deadline: 31st July, 2018

Winner Will Be Announced: 15th August, 2018

Note: Your application must reach us by 31st July, 2018, (00:00 EST). Winner will be contacted through a valid channel i.e. ​by the A​uthority of the winners’ Educational Institutes.