Do Inversion Tables Work for Lower Back Pain?

Do Inversion Tables Work for lower back pain? Yes, Inversion table works for lower back pain. Every day we use the back extensively. You may not realize just how much your back makes everything you do work, but it certainly does. With this in mind, you cannot deny your back relief when it begins to have pain.

Lower back pain is the most common of back pains and is often caused by strenuous labor, or accidents while exercising. In this content, I share you do inversion table work for back pain?

People have been using a large variety of methods to treat lower back pain since the beginning of time. Everything from seeing a chiropractor to using heated pads can help relieve lower back pain.

However, there is one method that many people find themselves unsure about the benefits of inversion tables.

While the method has become increasingly popular over the years, it is still unclear to some people whether the  inversion tables can relieve lower back pain effectively. Thankfully, we are here to solve the mystery.

Statistics often help support the case for inversion tables. In fact, a recent study done by The Energy Center reported that a full 75% of lower back pain sufferers felt relief after using inversion tables.

This allowed them to bypass riskier routes, such as invasive surgery that would alter muscles in the lower back.

What is Inversion Tables Exactly?

When using inversion tables for back therapy, you lie on the table and hang either partially or 100% upside down. This practice helps to promote increased traction on the spine.

The procedure began as far back as Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. He used inversion table-like treatments, as he would hang patients upside down from objects like ladders.

We have made inversion tables much more comfortable and safe since that period. However, and now they are used by both physical therapists and chiropractors all around the world. You can even get an inversion table for your own home if you so choose.

Why am I Experiencing Lower Back Pain in the First Place?

The human spine is made of many separate bones, known as vertebrae. If you look between each of the separate vertebrae, each disc is filled to the brim with nerves and fluids.

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These discs pad the area between each vertebra so that they do not rub together as you move around. However, as you age, gravity and other external factors such as exercise and strain begin to wear out the discs that prevent this rubbing from happening.A

Additionally, poor posture can weaken the strength of your vertebrae’s discs. Thankfully, inversion tables can be used to being stretching your spine back in the opposite direction, allowing more space to be regained between each vertebra. This goes a long way toward helping to relieve the lower back pain you are experiencing.

What is the Accordion Effect?

Beyond the situations described above, spinal fluid can build up in your discs, causing lower back pain and other serious issues.

By using an inversion table, you can slowly begin rocking after starting in a horizontal position, allowing you to effectively teeter-totter back and forth. This rocking motion is known as having an “Accordion Effect” on the spine.

When applying the effect, you allow milking, which helps get rid of some of the extra built-up fluid that has congregated in your spinal discs. In effect, a lot of tension will be taken off of your spinal cord, and your lower back pain will begin to feel relieved.

How Can I Reverse My Spinal Issues?

By using inversion tables to perform traction therapy, you can begin reversing some of the damage your spine has sustained. This action will help to reverse the negative affects gravity and years of poor posture and poorly thought exercise routines have done to your spinal cord.

You also will be decreasing the effects of or decreasing the chances that you gain, other serious spinal defects that go beyond simple lower back pain. Ailments such as scoliosis and sciatica can be relieved or prevented with this method.

Sciatica, in particular, is important to avoid, as it is a pain that happens in the hip and legs due to pinched nerves in your lower pain. This will cause a ton of lower back pain if it occurs, but it can also be treated by using inversion tables properly.

Are there any Dangers Associated with Inversion Table Use?

Yes, there are a few potential issues with using inversion tables, despite their overall advantage of relieving lower back pain.

For example, simply hanging upside down for long periods of time, can cause unsafe increased blood flow to your head and eyes. For this reason, you should always use inversion tables safely, and with the careful guidance and/or supervision of a trained medical professional.

Additionally, if you have glaucoma or have suffered retinal detachment in the past, you should never use an inversion table under any circumstance. It is also recommended that you should avoid using inversion tables if you suffer from circulatory or blood pressure issues.

How Do Inversion Tables work for Lower Back Pain?

Many studies have concluded that for non-specific acute lower back pain, you should remain as inactive as possible.

However, for both sub-acute and chronic lower back pain, there exists a ton of evidence that supports the benefits of inversion tables. Gravity simply will help relieve the strain you’ve been experiencing in your lower back.

What are Some Other Benefits of Inversion Therapy?

Beyond simply stretching the muscles out, inversion tables have many other useful benefits. In addition to stretching, you are likely to stretch ligaments, reduce muscle spasms, and improve your overall circulation.

One of the main benefits of inversion therapy, however, is that it increases the flow of your lymphatic fluids. These fluids are a primary part of your body’s waste disposal system.

For good blood circulation, you need to keep these chemicals steady in your body. As an added bonus, it will help with your lower back pain.

Talking to Your Doctor about Inversion Therapy

Just as you should with any other medical condition, you should always talk to your doctor before starting to use inversion tables to treat lower back pain.

Not only can they determine whether or not the practice will be safe for you, but they can give you further information about benefits, ways to approach the therapy, and much more.

Additionally, they can give you great advice about where to get the best deal for an inversion table, and which brands inversion tables will best suit your needs.

In most cases, you should be dealing with a physical therapist or chiropractor when seeking advice about inversion therapy.

Being approved for inversion therapy by your doctor is the most important reason to consult them. Certain medical conditions and medications can make using inversion therapy completely unsafe.

Due to this, a doctor may tell you to avoid the practice altogether. Obese patients, in particular, can cause further ligament and spinal issues by using inversion tables.

Additionally, some conditions will cause you to need to take a break from using the practice until they have healed up.

These conditions include hernias, eye and ear infections, pregnancy, and a few more. Consult your doctor in this area for a full list.

How Do I Start Using Inversion Therapy?

So, now you are likely wondering: how do I start using inversion therapy effectively? To put it simply, you should be doing it at a slow pace. You need to slowly adjust your body to hanging upside down.

Start out with a slight angle, maybe even only 15-degrees. Even this small amount of difference in your angle will begin to stretch your muscles.

Eventually, you will get to a stronger degree. In fact, most people never need to exceed 60-degrees to get access to the many benefits of inversion therapy.

Just listen to your body when increasing your angles, and if you begin to feel sore, especially in your lower back, stop using your inversion table immediately.


There are a number of inversion tables in the market but this particular Alpine table is more comfortable and works for lower back pain.

So if you are looking for an inversion table that can meet up your expectation and save your pocket, this one is undoubtedly the best option for you.

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