How To Become A Self-Taught Yogi

How To Become A Self-Taught Yogi | Can It Be Self-Taught?

Standing out to be one of the oldest spiritual practices, yoga is full of complexities. On the bright side, however, its benefits are innumerable ranging from clearing your mind to physical recovery. At the end of the day, it’s a skill worth possessing.

However, …

As much as you can be able to learn yoga all by yourself, you might end up spending not only more time but also money as you strive to become a skilled yogi. Additionally, you’ll also be at a greater risk of injury. Even so, how to become a self-taught yogi today isn’t that difficult.

There are a couple of different approaches you could explore which is what we’ll be looking into. Additionally, we’ll also look at the pros and cons of the different approaches.

Before we get started on how to teach yourself yoga, it’s important that you first consult your doctor. As much as it is a go-to option for physical relaxation, it’s also a physical activity and the last thing you’d want is to do more harm than good.

Learning Yoga From A Book

Thankfully, books are readily available and in addition to this, they can be obtained in both hard copies and digital formats. As such, you’ll be able to learn yoga at home if you do it right.

But, …

As readily available as books are, they could be either too general or too focused. As such, it will be necessary to get more books on various topics. More so, although books could be resourceful, you won’t have the ground to ask any questions or see any demonstrations.

Simply put, for you to get the most out of books when learning yoga, you need to be patient enough as you read about different topics from different books. Also, the major downside to using books is that you won’t know what is safe and what is not.

Learning Yoga From An Online Course

Can I learn yoga at home using an online course? I’m pretty sure you have this question at the back of your mind, right? Well, as it turns out, online courses offer quite a lot of value as far as becoming a self-taught yogi is concerned.

Online courses are comprised of videos and as such, you’re guaranteed to always get visual instruction for every session. Additionally, you also get the advantage of step-by-step instructions.

But what about feedback?

As detailed as online courses may be, you really can’t bet a platform for any questions. But this does not mean you won’t get help when you need it. Most online courses go a step further to allow you to email questions to the teacher or you could also join a community for members where you can get support.

When it comes to safety, the structured nature of online courses allows you to know the limits. Normally, the yoga courses are offered in sessions where there are beginner-level sessions so that you’ll be able to handle more advanced poses as you progress.

How About A Youtube Video?

Whereas online courses have to be purchased, YouTube videos are available free of charge. Readily available as they are, YouTube videos have their disadvantages as well. Let’s have a closer look at what to expect with these.

In addition to being free, the fact that you’ll be seeing someone else doing different yoga poses makes them a good place to start or refer to when you are using books. Besides just this, you can be able to leave any inquiries in the comments section.

The downside…

First things first, YouTube videos can be very distracting. Just think of when you have to watch through an ad while holding yoga poses. It will be quite easy for you to lose your focus, right? Something else that makes YouTube videos not as viable as online courses are that the YouTube algorithm brings you similar suggestions to the video you are watching.

Also, besides just the ads and the algorithm, YouTube videos are on average 5 to 10 minutes long. This, as it turns out, is way less resourceful than a 45-to-60-minute video would be. Last but not least, most YouTube videos are more of a demonstration of the yoga pose instead of a detailed description of getting in and out of them.

How To Learn Yoga In A Yoga Studio

Compared to the options we have looked at so far, Yoga studios are comparable to none. First, when you get started, you could be able to get as many as 30 classes per week and with lots of teachers. As such, you will have many options to choose from not to mention quality lessons.

Something to bear in mind, however, is that no two yoga spaces are the same and more often than not, you’ll always be welcome as part of the class where people get to know you. This, in turn, makes it easy for you to fit in and enjoy the sessions with friends around you.

Something else that makes the yoga studios a viable option is that the teachers can see you. This way, it will be much easier for mistakes to be corrected. As such, you will be able to progress much faster compared to learning from a book or on YouTube.

You will also have the space to ask questions directed to either your teacher or your classmates.

Can I Learn Yoga On My Own?

Whereas some people may prefer in-person instructions, others would rather learn yoga on their own. But which option between the two is better? It all comes down to convenience. Of course, having an experienced teacher is the best way to go since by doing it alone, you won’t know what you don’t know.

It is often recommended that you practice in person with an expert before practicing yoga at home on your own. Here are some tips that would come in handy once you’re getting started.

  • Commitment And Discipline

One of the biggest challenges when practicing yoga on your own could be losing your focus. Just like anything else, yoga is just as demanding when it comes to discipline. As such, it is important to maintain consistency.

It’s recommended that you always try to go to bed earlier so that you can always have enough time to practice in the morning to avoid disrupting your routine. On the other hand, if it won’t be possible to do it in the morning, have some time set aside for it later on in the day. Be sure to create some time during the day; but, in case of time is an obstacle, simply stick to a specific set of stretches each day.

  • Practice Yoga In A Quiet Space

Yoga has been preferred as a form of meditation for quite a long time. As such, you must find a quiet place where you can clear your thoughts and focus on your breathing as you do the different poses. In addition to getting a quiet space, you can also grab some water and a towel before you begin. Last but not least, to spice things up, some candles or resorting to aromatherapy will help you get into your space much faster.

  • Always Relax Your Body After You Are Done

It’s not always a good idea to finish your last pose, fold up your mat, and simply walk away. Regardless of whether the routine involves advanced or beginner poses, it’s important to practice savasana. This simply involves laying on your back and then stretching your legs out straight while they are shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.

  • Try To Always Monitor Yourself

As compared to having your sessions with an instructor, training on your own, on the other hand, could make it difficult for you to know when you are doing something wrong. To correct this, it’s recommended that you become more analytical about the process.

This could involve anything from being conscious of your poses and ensuring they are correctly done to recording yourself and watching the recording later. With the latter, you’ll be able to see the alignment of your joints, whether your shoulder and hips are correctly positioned, and are you collapsing your weight?

At the end of the day, you must be able to see where you go wrong and effectively correct it.

Final Verdict

So, to answer the question, “can I learn yoga on my own?”, well, yes you can be able to learn yoga on your own. However, considering yoga is more focused on flexibility and mobility, it is of utmost importance that you be able to track your workout effectively.

It would be better to work with a trainer one on one or in a yoga class so that you can get a good foundation in the basic yoga poses.

Last but not least, it is important that you also remain motivated and dedicated. Additionally, you should prioritize consulting with your doctor if you are recovering from injuries or when mobility is an issue.

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